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18 Wednesday / March 18, 2020

Take Control: Invasive Plant Workshop

01:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Cedar Crest (Sycamore's office)

If you know the basics but want to go deeper on identifying and controlling invasive plants, this class is for you. Monroe County Identify Invasive Species (MC-IRIS) expert Ellen Jacquart will teach you to identify many of the invasive plants in our county and how to use deer-resistant native plants in landscaping. After the talk there will be a one-hour hands-on workshop on methods to control invasive plants. Attendees should wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and sturdy closed shoes. Space is limited; registrations will be accepted until full.

RSVPs are required: sycamorelandtrust.org/hike-rsvp

Sycamore Land Trust events are free for members! For non-members, the suggested donation is $5 per person or $10 per family. Not yet a member? You can join today with a donation of just $40 or more, and help us protect and restore nature forever: sycamorelandtrust.org/donate

For more information contact:

Sycamore Land Trust
(812) 336-5382
[email protected]

Education / Outdoors

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