We asked our Facebook friends, “Almost everyone here loves Bloomington, but let’s face it, we don’t have everything. What would you most like to see here?” We got some surprising answers.

Of course, people would love it if Bloomington had an ocean and beaches like the Caribbean and sunsets like New Mexico, but that’s not going to happen.

More down-to-earth yearnings include a Trader Joe’s, a Whole Foods, an International House of Pancakes, a Jamba Juice, Vietnamese and Brazilian restaurants, and a really good Italian eatery. Several readers also mentioned wanting a firstrate shop that specializes in cheeses. Another desire: “A killer locally owned 24-hour diner downtown would be really sweet.”

For children, our readers would like to have more kid-friendly water features in our parks, A Toys r Us, “more fun places for kids to eat,” and a kids-only barbershop.

Other desires include:

—“A place that sells well-tailored, polished-looking women’s clothes”
—“Lots more community gardens and public fruit trees”
—“More Shakespeare in the park”
—“An interfaith community center”
—“More good paying jobs that don’t require highly specialized training”
—“More low-income housing”
—“A better venue for music artists”

What do you want? Let us know by leaving a comment below or contacting us on Facebook!