22 Friday / May 22, 2020

Dive Deeper for All Ages

03:00 pm to 03:30 pm on May 15

Join us for Dive Deeper live at the Wonder Under the Waves Aquarium. This week we will learn about the dangers of oil spills in the ocean and do an experiment to see how difficult it is to remove oil once it’s in the water. To try this experiment at home you’ll need: a container 3/4 filled with water, vegetable oil, soap, a spoon, cotton balls, particulate material (kitty litter will work), dish soap, and your choice of experimental item that you believe will be good at cleaning up oil from the water (ex: paper towels, feathers, or pipe cleaners) All welcome. Activities designed for all ages. Click here to join via Zoom LIVE.

Animals / Children / Education / Entertainment / Exhibits

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