Lynne Gilliatt’s mid-century ranch in Elm Heights sits low amid trees and undergrowth. Photo by Kendall Reeves


Art may indeed be its own reward, but still it’s nice to have a comfortable nest to call home and a place to work in peace.

The combined dwellings and workplaces of most artists are distinctive but rarely lavish; few who are devoted to their art ever achieve that kind of material success. More likely, an artist’s home will be modest and utilitarian but, in ways large and small, reflect the dweller’s creative sensibility.

Fortunately, an artist’s eye can see how to work wonders with modest resources — never more so than when that eye goes hand in hand with skill, energy, and patience. Here we visit four artists — ceramicist Jamas Brooke and painter Tamar Kander, sculptor Bert Gilbert, and pastel artist Lynne Gilliatt. They all have their own approach to pursuing art and creating a home.

Read the full story here!