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6 Thursday / June 6, 2013

Food Sovereignty: From Bolivia to Bloomington

06:00 pm to 08:30 pm
Unitarian Universalist Church, 2120 N. Fee Lane

Community Potluck and Program
Food Sovereignty: What I learned from Bolivia that matters to Bloomington

The UU Green Sanctuary Task Force Thought for Food series
June 6 at 6 pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 2120 N. Fee Lane

The UU Green Sanctuary Task Force supported member and current IU student Alexandra Toledo on a Food Sovereignty Tour to Bolivia in March with Food First. She will present about her trip and how the way we eat in Bloomington is intimately connected to the way of life in Bolivia, exploring ideas of food sovereignty all over the world, starting here at home.

Participate in a conversation about how we can all contribute to the food sovereignty movement, and find out about ways you can travel and get involved with Food First. Hope to see you there! Nos vemos alli!

Feel free to bring a vegetarian dish to share in our Potluck. Childcare is available; contact Adrienne Summerlot at [email protected] in advance.

Cost: Free

For more information contact:

Alexandra Toledo
[email protected]

Civic Affairs / Eat and Drink / Education / Speakers

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