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7 Thursday / April 7, 2022

Lecture | UrbanLab

06:30 pm to 08:00 pm
The Republic Building, Auditorium

Join us for a lecture by guest architects Sarah Dunn and Martin Felsen of UrbanLab in the auditorium at The Republic Building. This event is free and open to the public.

Sarah Dunn co-founded UrbanLab with Martin Felsen. She was educated at Columbia University (B.Arts and M.Arch). Sarah is a Professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She also teaches advanced studios at Columbia’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation.

After working at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in Rotterdam, she and partner Martin Felsen established UrbanLab, a collaborative architecture and urban design firm. UrbanLab strives to respond to the complexity, growth and unintended consequences of the modern city by developing a catalogue of architectural, infrastructural and urbanistic design strategies, in particular examining natural and artificial systems underpinning the built environment. Built work to date includes mixed-use commercial buildings, housing, houses, restaurants, art galleries, large-scale resilient infrastructural projects, recreational landscapes, and cities.

Sarah’s work has been recognized nationally and internationally. Awards include first prize in the History Channel’s City of the Future Competition, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) College of Fellows Latrobe Prize, and many AIA Chicago design awards. In 2010, the Architectural League of New York named UrbanLab as an Emerging Voice. UrbanLab exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2010 and 2012, and in the Chicago Architecture Biennial in 2015 and 2017. UrbanLab’s work is in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago and MoMA PS1.

Martin Felsen, FAIA, co-founded UrbanLab with Sarah Dunn. He is a registered architect in Illinois, Michigan, Colorado, and New York. He was educated at Virginia Tech (B.Arch), and Columbia University (MS-AAD). Martin is a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects and an Associate Professor in the Illinois Institute of Technology’s (IIT) College of Architecture.

After working for Eisenman Architects, Stan Allen Architects and 1100 Architects in New York, he and partner Sarah Dunn established UrbanLab, an architecture and urban design firm. UrbanLab aims to synthesize diverse methodologies, technical innovation, and hybrid vocabularies drawn equally from architecture and its complex urban and natural contexts. Built work to date includes houses, housing, mixed-use buildings, restaurants, installations, and urban infrastructural projects.

Martin received the Dubin Family Young Architect Award in 2007 from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Chicago. Martin’s work has been recognized nationally and internationally. Awards include first prize in the History Channel’s City of the Future Competition, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) College of Fellows Latrobe Prize, and many AIA Chicago design awards. In 2010, the Architectural League of New York named UrbanLab as an Emerging Voice. UrbanLab exhibited at the Venice Architecture Biennale in 2010 and 2012, and in the Chicago Architecture Biennial in 2015 and 2017. UrbanLab’s work is in the collection of the Art Institute of Chicago and MoMA PS1.

Visit: https://www.urbanlab.com/ for more information about UrbanLab.

Education / Exhibits / Speakers

7 Thursday / April 7, 2022

Ada and the Engine

07:30 pm to 09:30 pm
Waldron Arts Center

stage March 31 – April 16 at the Waldron Arts Center. Discover the groundbreaking woman of science whose work has impacted all of our lives in profound ways. “Ada and the Engine” tells the inspiring and fascinating story of Ada Byron Lovelace, a brilliant female mathematician now recognized as the first computer programmer. At the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, Ada partners with Charles Babbage, inventor of the first “analytical engine.” Together they dream of the future and struggle to navigate treacherous waters of friendship, legacy, and ambition.

Pay what you will on all tickets (choose your own ticket price)! Find tickets and learn more at https://cardinalstage.org/mainstage/ada-and-the-engine/

See Cardinal’s website for audience covid protocols. Tickets on sale starting January 31, 2022.


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