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3 Friday / May 3, 2013

Exhibit: ‘The Beautiful And The Good’ at gallery406

09:00 am to 06:00 pm
gallery406 (116 W. 6th St, Ste. 110)

“The Beautiful And The Good”, an exhibit of paintings by Jennifer Mujezinovic, will be on display at gallery406 from April 5 until May 31. Gallery is open from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday.

“Beautiful”—together with “graceful” and “pretty,” or “sublime,” “marvelous,” “superb,” and similar expressions—is an adjective that we often employ to indicate something that we like. In this sense, it seems that what is beautiful is the same as what is good. In fact, in most historical periods there was a close link between the Beautiful and the Good. – from History of Beauty by Umberto Eco

Beauty does not always correspond to what we see superficially. Socrates was notoriously ugly, but was said to shine with an inner beauty, and Plato believed that the sight of the “senses” must be overcome by intellectual sight.

In Jennifer’s portraits, she is seeking an ideal beauty through a synthesis of a pleasing physical body, and a spirit that is good. This synthesis expresses a Psychological Beauty that harmonizes body and soul. Each one illuminating the other.

Cost: Free

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