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11 Tuesday / April 11, 2017

How Positive Hypnosis Can Change Your Life, a Presentation by Rima Montoya at The Venue.

05:30 pm to 07:00 pm
The Venue Fine Art & Gifts

On Tuesday, April 11th, begining at 5:30 p.m.,The Venue will host a presentation by Rima Montoya. Rima is a trained, certified hypnotist with a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Communication. She has trained with today’s leaders in new consciousness-shifting and transformational work including. John Overdurf, Gary Craig, and Dolores Cannon.
In her practice and philosophy Rima uses the cutting-edge techniques of Humanistic Neuro-Linguistics  Emotional Freedom Technique  Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique  Language Alchemy
Rima is a permanent member of the international network of Life Coaches and Positive Change Agents: NLP Global Standards Association.
In this free workshop, Rima will explain and demonstrate how everyone can benefit from utalizing these mindfulness techniques to impove the quality of their lives. .
Free workshop @ Venue Arts Gallery April 11th 2017 at 5:30pm Join Us

Cost: free

For more information contact:

(812) 339-4200
[email protected]


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