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6 Thursday / February 6, 2014

Still Life Oil Painting Class with Veda Stanfield

01:00 pm to 03:00 pm
The Endwright Center, 631 W. Edgewood Drive, Ellettsville

Six week Class: Thursdays, beginning January 23 – February 27

What: Winter is the perfect time to explore the basics of still life painting. These studies are perfect for learning the fundamentals of shape, light, line and composition. They can provide an educated entry point to all other artistic endeavors. This class will guide you through the tools of the trade while also allowing for your own creative expression.

About the Instructor: Veda Stanfield is a mostly self-taught painter. She’s been observing and painting for decades. She calls her paintings of still lives, landscapes and skyscapes “haunted realism.” She hopes to capture and reveal to the viewer the light, the beauty and the mystery of the everyday world around us. Veda has shown her work in local and regional galleries and has paintings in many private collections all across the country from Boston to New Mexico.

Additional Information: Call for supplies list or with questions: 812-876-3383 ex. 515
Limited supplies will be on-hand at the center.

Cost: Cost: $35 (plus supplies)/$30 for Endwright Center Members (plus supplies)

For more information contact:

Jaime Sweany
[email protected]


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