Hack’s Arch was built by Merrill E. “Hack” Hacker at his home at 2714 W. Vernal Pike beginning in 1940. Prior to demolition of the house due to I-69, the Monroe County Historic Preservation Board of Review in partnership with the Monroe County Parks and Recreation Department sought to save the arch. This project creates a legacy for the future. It draws upon the creative skill of an ordinary and outstanding resident of Monroe County who loved his family and lived a good, decent, plain life. He built the arch from quarry scraps and in interviews in 1998, described how he accomplished the work and lived his life. The arch welcomed his neighbors to his house and now will welcome visitors to the Will Detmer Park for years to come. All are invited to attend the dedication and meet Hack’s family. This event has been endorsed as an official Monroe County/City of Bloomington Bicentennial event.
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23 Monday / April 23, 2018
Dedication of Hack’s Arch
03:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Will Detmer Park
23 Monday / April 23, 2018
05:00 pm to 11:55 pm
The Players Pub
Lionel Richie-style all night long. Ten-minute slots from 5 p.m.–midnight. Bring your family and friends, and show ’em you’ve been practicing.