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19 Sunday / February 19, 2017

Art and a Movie: Focus on Pollock

02:00 pm to 05:15 pm
IU Eskenazi Museum of Art

Focus on Pollock
2:00-2:30 p.m.
Eskenazi Museum of Art
Gallery of the Art of the Western World, Doris Steinmetz Kellett Endowed Gallery of Twentieth-Century Art, first floor

Nan Brewer, Lucienne M. Glaubinger Curator of Works on Paper, will present a pre-screening gallery talk on a rare suite of six silkscreen prints by Pollock.

Pollock (2000), directed by Ed Harris
3:00-5:15 p.m.
IU Cinema

This award-winning biopic presented in partnership with IU Cinema and is sponsored in part by Marsha R. Bradford and Harold A. Dumes.

Exhibits / Films / Speakers

19 Sunday / February 19, 2017

Alive Inside 2014 Sundance Festival Audience Award Winner documentary

02:00 pm to 04:00 pm
Monroe County Public Library Auditorium gtound floor

Written by Michael Rossato-Bennett documentary filmmaker who followed a social worker, Dan Cohen, throughout nursing homes for 3 years. The film sequences amazing original episodes of music bringing formally nearly catatonic residents coming alive. See aliveinsidefoundation.org for more information.

Blooming Memories Thru Music is pleased to invite the community to a free educational event and screening of “Alive Inside” being shown Sunday afternoon, February 19th, at 2:00pm at the Monroe County Public Library Auditorium.
The film, a touching exploration of young adults sharing custom music playlists with long-term care facility residents living with Alzheimer’s, is presented by Blooming Memories Through Music.**

I hope you will join us for this eloquent, stirring documentary as we strive to educate the community to make Bloomington more dementia-friendly.

The film will be followed by a short question and answer period, The audience will be encouraged to further learn about Alzheimer’s educations, training, medical support services, IU Health Alzheimer’s Resource Center with support groups for families living with Alzheimer’s and dementia, the Annual local Alzheimer’s Walk and representatives from five memory care centers in the Monroe County and Alzheimer’s Educators will be on hand.

**. Blooming Memories Through Music is a newly evolving local non-profit all-volunteer residential service training BHSN high school honor music students of Janis Stockhouse. These very bright young adults share familiar music with elders living with Alzheimer’s IN THEIR HOMES.
To learn more please visit our Facebook page Blooming Memories Thru Music BMTM@BLOOMINGTON

Education / Films / Health / Speakers / Volunteering

19 Sunday / February 19, 2017

Openhearted Open House

05:00 pm to 07:30 pm
Islamic Center of Bloomington

Dear Friends and Neighbors, the Islamic Center of Bloomington and the Openhearted Campaign cordially invite you for a casual evening of dinner and sharing at the second annual Openhearted Open House. We look forward to getting to know you through our interactive presentations!

Dinner will be served in open buffet style all evening, and presentations will take place around 5:30 pm, 6:00 pm, and 7:00 pm. You will also be invited to observe us praying the sunset prayer at 6:45 pm, learn more about how we are involved in the Bloomington community, and talk with your Muslim neighbors. We can’t wait to see you there!

Parking is available at the center and in the surrounding neighborhoods. Check out our webpage at openheartedcampaign.org/2nd-annual for details and FAQ!

Eat and Drink / Education / Entertainment / Speakers

19 Sunday / February 19, 2017

23rd Annual Soup Bowl – To Benefit the Hoosier Hills Food Bank

05:00 pm to 07:00 pm
Bloomington/ Monroe Convention Center

Please join us for the 23rd Annual Soup Bowl. As always, the event will feature handmade bowls from the Local Clay Potter’s Guild, and delicious soups, bread, and cookies from more than 40 local restaurants.

Tickets are $30 (bowl included), or $6 for kids (meal only). Pick up your tickets at any Bloomingfoods location, or by calling the Food Bank at 812-334-8374.

Benefits / Civic Affairs / Eat and Drink / Entertainment / Volunteering

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