Opening reception for A Celebration of Limestone Quarries and Carvers. By Hand Gallery is pleased to partner with the ILS in presenting In Celebration of Limestone: quarries and carvers for the months of June and July. On display will be the work of many stone carvers who have been friends and supporters of the Symposium–as founders, master carvers, carving instructors, and artist participants, and Meg Lagodski who has been painting exclusively in quarries for the last several years. Amongst the included artists are those that are regionally, nationally, and internationally recognized, have worked and conducted workshops across the United States, Europe, and Asia, have taught at multiple universities, and have been principal supporters of the Symposium. The artists include:
Amy Brier, Sidney Bolam, Michal Ann Carley, Ned Cunningham, Dale Enochs, Sharon Fullingim, John Fisher, Cathy Haggerty, Meg Lagodski, Cheryl Ann Lorance, Steven Tourney, and Frank Young.
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2 Friday / July 2, 2021
In Celebration of Limestone Quarries and Carvers
By Hand Gallery