World-renowned cinematic organist and IU alum Dennis James returns for his annual spooky Halloween festivities providing live accompaniment to the 1929 silent film The Mysterious Island.
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27 Wednesday / October 27, 2021
Dennis James Hosts Halloween
07:00 pm
IU Auditorium
27 Wednesday / October 27, 2021
Manhunt II
07:30 pm to 07:30 pm on Oct 30
Virtual: Bloomington Playwrights Project
Put your sleuthing skills to the test in this sequel to last season’s nation-wide breakout hit. The head of the National Detective Agency, Malcolm Hughes (Marcus Kearns), has been kidnapped and it’s up to you to locate where he’s being held hostage. Before his capture, this clever detective was able to send an envelope to your doorstep containing clues to his whereabouts. With the help of NDA’s newest Agent (Mike Nappi), your mission is to save Detective Hughes – but hurry, his life and the future of the NDA are at stake…