Lotus World Music Festival, nylon & silk festival decorations; Brandon Gunn & Ellie Honl, printmaking; Robert Price, photography. Browse multiple galleries in a beautiful, historic setting. M-F 9-7; Sat 9-5.
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19 Friday / September 19, 2014
Ivy Tech John Waldron September Art Exhibits
09:00 am to 07:00 pm
Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center, 122. S. Walnut St.
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
Exhibits at the Mathers Museum
09:00 am to 04:30 pm
Mathers Museum of World Cultures, 416 N. Indiana Ave., Bloomington, 47408
The Mathers Museum exhibition hall and Museum Store are open Tuesdays through Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays, from 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and closed all major holidays.
Free visitor parking is available by the Indiana Avenue lobby entrance. Metered parking is available at the McCalla School parking lot on the corner of Ninth Street and Indiana Avenue. The parking lot also has spaces designated for Indiana University C and E permits. During the weekends free parking is available on the surrounding streets.
“Açaí From Local to Global”
“Açaí From Local to Global” examines the transition of the açaí berry from a local Brazilian commodity to a global superfood. The exhibition is curated by Eduardo Brondizio and Andrea Siqueria, and sponsored by Themester 2014’s “Eat, Drink, Think: Food from Art to Science,” an initiative of the IU College of Arts and Sciences.
This exhibit runs until December 21.
“Food is Work: Tools and Traditions”
“Food is Work: Tools and Traditions” explores the tools and traditions used in the production of food. The exhibition is also sponsored by Themester 2014’s “Eat, Drink, Think: Food from Art to Science,” an initiative of the IU College of Arts and Sciences.
This exhibit runs until December 21.
“Instruments of Culture”
“Instruments of Culture” provides an overview of how musical instruments around the globe are classified and studied, and why.
This exhibit runs until December 21.
“In Their Own Words: Native Americans in World War I”
“In Their Own Words: Native Americans in World War I” illustrates WWI experiences using photographs and veterans’ stories.
This exhibit runs until December 21.
“The People of the Coffee Highlands of Nicaragua”
“The People of the Coffee Highlands of Nicaragua” traces coffee’s journey from the fields to our cups in a photo essay by Claudia Gordillo, funded by IU’s Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Office of Global Educational Programs, and the US Department of State.
This exhibit runs until December 21.
“Thoughts, Things, and Theories…What Is Culture?”
“Thoughts, Things, and Theories…What Is Culture?” explores the nature of culture.
This exhibit runs until December 21.
“State of an Art: Women’s Wall Painting in Ghana”
“State of an Art: Women’s Wall Painting in Ghana” will show tradition and innovation in wall paintings by women in Ghana’s Upper East Region, as documented by photographer and curator Brittany Sheldon.
This exhibit runs until December 21.
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
Monroe County History Center — “Celebrating Lotus Exhibit”
10:00 am to 04:00 pm
Monroe County History Center; 202 E. 6th St. Bloomington, Indiana
“Celebrating Lotus Exhibit”
From his quaint hometown in Orange County, Indiana to cities all over America, Southern Indiana musician Lotus Dickey made his mark on the musical world. A prolific singer-songwriter who played guitar and fiddle, Dickey had a love for music unmatched by any other. In honor of the legend, the Lotus World Music and Arts Festival was established in Bloomington in 1994 as a celebration of music, song, dance, and art. As the 21st Lotus Festival approaches, the Monroe County History Center Community Voices Gallery presents: Celebrating Lotus.
This exhibit runs until November 29.
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
By Hand Gallery’s 35th Birthday Celebration & “Boxes” by Steve Rapp
10:00 am to 05:30 pm
By Hand Gallery, 101 West Kirkwood #109
Celebrating 35 years of creativity from By Hand members and their friends. Arts and crafts by members and friends of By Hand will be displayed with refreshments and music will be provided by the younger generation of By Hand members.
“Boxes” a special exhibit by Steve Rapp will also be on display. He describes his boxes as a museum of Earth’s wonders, each with a unique fingerprint. Wood is the main medium with emphasis on minerals, fossils, artifacts, and sea life. He goes on to explain that most significant is this ability to manipulate these natural wonders of our Earth into a visual metaphor, expressing his vision of nature’s beauty.
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
Exhibits at the IU Art Museum
10:00 am to 05:00 pm
IU Art Museum, 1133 E. 7th Street
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday: 10:00 – 5:00 p.m. Sunday: Noon – 5:00 p.m.
New in the Galleries:
Eat, Drink, and Be Merry: Partying in Ancient Greece and Rome
Continuing through December 28, 2014
Gallery of the Arts of Asia and the Ancient Western World, second floor
Pop Food
Continuing through December 28, 2014
Gallery of the Art of the Western World, Doris Steinmetz Kellett Endowed Gallery of Twentieth-Century Art, first floor
Food provided a perfect subject for Pop artists. This installation includes a sweet treat by Wayne Thiebaud, an out-of-this-world still-life by Andy Warhol, and an artwork created with food as its medium by Edward Ruscha.
The Politics of Food
Continuing through December 28, 2014
Gallery of the Art of the Western World, first floor
This installation focuses on several contemporary artists who use food as a reflection on consumerism and cultural identity (Chuck Ramirez), a social commentary on excess and gluttony (Tom Huck), and a platform for political activism on animal rights (Sue Coe).
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
“Color Forms of Our Universe” by Martha Kaplan
By Hand Gallery
”The content of color paints our days and nights. We prefer certain colors and color combinations, Colors have dispositions indicative of regions, origins, harmonics.” The 32 pieces of fine contemporary art, created by Martha Kaplan, are from three different series. The ‘New Kachinas’ are graphite and colored pencils and are a leap of faith from the side of the mind that is new territory. ‘Large Lace Paperworks’ are mixed media drawings setting out to restructure the disparities of the burdens of the world and ‘Pastels’ are the bridge where conscious and unconscious space can meet.
Exhibit will run August 1 through September 27
Closed Sundays
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
Exhibits at the Monroe County History Center
10:00 am to 04:00 pm
Monroe County History Center 202 E. 6th St.
“Auto Indiana”
From Elwood Haynes’s early machine to today’s numerous parts manufacturers, this exhibition examines the role of the automobile in the Hoosier State. Indiana was one of the leaders in automobile production until the 1930’s when Detroit emerged as the nation’s technological and industrial giant. Come see the Howe car, Monroe County’s first automobile, graciously on loan from the Mathers Museum of World Cultures. Runs through December 31.
The History Center is open Tuesday-Saturday from 10am-4pm.
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
The Arboreal Me by Rebecca Prato
12:00 pm to 05:00 pm
Gather :handmade shoppe & Co:, 101 W Kirkwood Ave Suite 112
A self-portrait need not encompass traditional ideas- one can even break away from depicting one’s face, the element typically associated with self-portraits; in my photography the tree has become symbolic of myself which has led me to realize I am creating “self-portrayals” that allow me to create pieces that are as diverse as I am.
Exhibit runs until October 2.
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
Exhibits at The Kinsey Institute
01:30 pm to 05:00 pm
The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Morrison Hall 3rd Floor
The Kinsey Institute Gallery is open 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm weekdays or by appointment 8 a.m. to Noon weekdays. Admission is free. Due to adult content, visitors should be 18 years of age or older, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Guided group tours of The Kinsey Institute may be scheduled by calling 812-855-7686. The Kinsey Institute is closed for all IU holidays.
“The Taste of Seduction: Arousing Desire with Edible Aphrodisiacs”
Taste of Seduction examines the rich tradition of linking the enjoyment of food and drink with romance and sex, through a display of works of art and cultural artifacts from the Kinsey Institute. Curators combed the collection for depictions of food and beverages and selected more than 50 photographs, prints, paintings, ceramic and glass objects, and artifacts that relate to the consumption of food and beverages and its association with sexual desire, romantic love and seduction. This exhibition is part of the 2014 Themester: Eat, Drink, Think: Food from Art to Science.
Featured artists include Albert Arthur Allen, Herbert Ascherman, Lynn Bianchi, Gili Chen, Ian Cook, David Deaubrey, Anthony Droege, Beryl Fine, Gene Greger, Bill Haigwood, Naomi Harris, Danielle Kaltz, Maureen Kaveney, R. Leftwick, Henri Monnier, April Renae, Feodor Rojankovsky, Mark Sawrie, Sam Steward, Betsy Stirratt, and Marie Weichman.
The exhibit runs through December 19.
“Undress Me”
Undress Me presents a selection of playful vintage photographs of women in lingerie from the Kinsey Institute art collection paired with period underclothes such as corsets, petticoats, brassieres, drawers, robes, and other garments on loan from the Sage Collection at Indiana University. Ranging in date from the late 19th century through the 1920s, the clothing on display illustrates the dramatic shift in desired body shape from the hourglass, to the S-curve, to the straight boyish lines of the Roaring Twenties. Tight-fitting corsets were eventually replaced by simple brassieres, and the volume and number of undergarments worn by women dramatically diminished. While the historic undergarments on view served the functional purposes of shaping and protecting, their decorative elements reveal that undergarments, though private, were also meant to be seen and appreciated for their erotic possibilities.
Overseen by the Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design, the Sage Collection serves as a resource for students, professionals, and the public. The Collection contains both a high-quality permanent museum collection intended for exhibition and research and a hands-on collection used in classroom instruction and fashion design studios. The Sage Collection was founded by Elizabeth Sage, the first professor of Clothing and Textiles at Indiana University. For more information, go to http://www.indiana.edu/~sagecoll or call 812-855-4627.
The exhibit runs through December 19.
19 Friday / September 19, 2014
One-Hour Exhibition: Echo Press
03:00 pm to 04:00 pm
IU Art Museum, 1133 E. 7th Street, third floor office
Visitors should meet in the museum’s third floor office. No pre-registration is required, but space is limited. Admission will be on a first come, first served basis.
Established in 1979, Echo Press was an internationally recognized fine art printmaking workshop that operated in Bloomington for seventeen years. Special guests former master printer David Keister and his assistant Dave Calkins will discuss several prints along with their printing matrices and proofs from the museum’s Echo Press Archive.
This program is presented as part of Midwest Matrix: Continuum, A Symposium Celebrating the History and Present of Midwest Printmaking, September 19–21, 2014.