Lotus World Music Festival, nylon & silk festival decorations; Brandon Gunn & Ellie Honl, printmaking; Robert Price, photography. Browse multiple galleries in a beautiful, historic setting. M-F 9-7; Sat 9-5.
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22 Monday / September 22, 2014
Ivy Tech John Waldron September Art Exhibits
09:00 am to 07:00 pm
Ivy Tech John Waldron Arts Center, 122. S. Walnut St.
22 Monday / September 22, 2014
“Color Forms of Our Universe” by Martha Kaplan
By Hand Gallery
”The content of color paints our days and nights. We prefer certain colors and color combinations, Colors have dispositions indicative of regions, origins, harmonics.” The 32 pieces of fine contemporary art, created by Martha Kaplan, are from three different series. The ‘New Kachinas’ are graphite and colored pencils and are a leap of faith from the side of the mind that is new territory. ‘Large Lace Paperworks’ are mixed media drawings setting out to restructure the disparities of the burdens of the world and ‘Pastels’ are the bridge where conscious and unconscious space can meet.
Exhibit will run August 1 through September 27
Closed Sundays
22 Monday / September 22, 2014
By Hand Gallery’s 35th Birthday Celebration & “Boxes” by Steve Rapp
10:00 am to 05:30 pm
By Hand Gallery, 101 West Kirkwood #109
Celebrating 35 years of creativity from By Hand members and their friends. Arts and crafts by members and friends of By Hand will be displayed with refreshments and music will be provided by the younger generation of By Hand members.
“Boxes” a special exhibit by Steve Rapp will also be on display. He describes his boxes as a museum of Earth’s wonders, each with a unique fingerprint. Wood is the main medium with emphasis on minerals, fossils, artifacts, and sea life. He goes on to explain that most significant is this ability to manipulate these natural wonders of our Earth into a visual metaphor, expressing his vision of nature’s beauty.
22 Monday / September 22, 2014
Exhibits at The Kinsey Institute
01:30 pm to 05:00 pm
The Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, Morrison Hall 3rd Floor
The Kinsey Institute Gallery is open 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm weekdays or by appointment 8 a.m. to Noon weekdays. Admission is free. Due to adult content, visitors should be 18 years of age or older, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Guided group tours of The Kinsey Institute may be scheduled by calling 812-855-7686. The Kinsey Institute is closed for all IU holidays.
“The Taste of Seduction: Arousing Desire with Edible Aphrodisiacs”
Taste of Seduction examines the rich tradition of linking the enjoyment of food and drink with romance and sex, through a display of works of art and cultural artifacts from the Kinsey Institute. Curators combed the collection for depictions of food and beverages and selected more than 50 photographs, prints, paintings, ceramic and glass objects, and artifacts that relate to the consumption of food and beverages and its association with sexual desire, romantic love and seduction. This exhibition is part of the 2014 Themester: Eat, Drink, Think: Food from Art to Science.
Featured artists include Albert Arthur Allen, Herbert Ascherman, Lynn Bianchi, Gili Chen, Ian Cook, David Deaubrey, Anthony Droege, Beryl Fine, Gene Greger, Bill Haigwood, Naomi Harris, Danielle Kaltz, Maureen Kaveney, R. Leftwick, Henri Monnier, April Renae, Feodor Rojankovsky, Mark Sawrie, Sam Steward, Betsy Stirratt, and Marie Weichman.
The exhibit runs through December 19.
“Undress Me”
Undress Me presents a selection of playful vintage photographs of women in lingerie from the Kinsey Institute art collection paired with period underclothes such as corsets, petticoats, brassieres, drawers, robes, and other garments on loan from the Sage Collection at Indiana University. Ranging in date from the late 19th century through the 1920s, the clothing on display illustrates the dramatic shift in desired body shape from the hourglass, to the S-curve, to the straight boyish lines of the Roaring Twenties. Tight-fitting corsets were eventually replaced by simple brassieres, and the volume and number of undergarments worn by women dramatically diminished. While the historic undergarments on view served the functional purposes of shaping and protecting, their decorative elements reveal that undergarments, though private, were also meant to be seen and appreciated for their erotic possibilities.
Overseen by the Department of Apparel Merchandising and Interior Design, the Sage Collection serves as a resource for students, professionals, and the public. The Collection contains both a high-quality permanent museum collection intended for exhibition and research and a hands-on collection used in classroom instruction and fashion design studios. The Sage Collection was founded by Elizabeth Sage, the first professor of Clothing and Textiles at Indiana University. For more information, go to http://www.indiana.edu/~sagecoll or call 812-855-4627.
The exhibit runs through December 19.
22 Monday / September 22, 2014
Flight Club Fitness Aerial Silk Classes – Bringing California to Bloomington
05:00 pm to 08:00 pm
Twin Lakes Recreation Center, 1700 W Bloomfield Rd
If you’ve ever had the breath sucked right out of you as you watched a graceful aerialist twirl and spin, entwined with diaphanous, flowing fabric, then you already understand the a soul-stirring appeal of aerial silks. What you may not know is that aerial silks are both surprisingly accessible and a killer workout. Flight Club Fitness offers small group instruction and individual classes that will get you off the ground, out of your head, and into a dynamically expressive fitness routine.
Classes are for all levels – including first timers- and are held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Twin Lakes Recreation Center. ANYone can try aerial silks! Our certified instructors are experienced in working with total beginners, and are experts in helping our clients lose weight and get in great shape while mastering the art of aerial silks.
For a complete list of classes, or to register, visit:
Dance / Entertainment / Fitness / Health / Sports
22 Monday / September 22, 2014
IU Cinema: “Babette’s Feast” film
07:00 pm to 08:45 pm
IU Cinema, 1213 E. 7th St.
Themester: EAT, Drink, THINK:
Food From Art to Science
Based on a short story by Isak Dinesen, Babette’s Feast was the first Danish film to win the Academy Award® for Best Foreign Language Film and is considered a classic of the “food film” genre. A 19th century political refugee, Babette finds a home in an austere Danish village cooking for two elderly sisters. When Babette wins the lottery, she sets about repaying the sisters’ kindness with a feast. The film lovingly depicts the pleasures of food and the artistry of cooking. In Danish, Swedish, and French languages with English subtitles. (35mm presentation)
IU’s College of Arts and Sciences’ Themester explores the theme of Eat, Drink, Think: Food from Art to Science. Films were chosen to complement Themester courses and contribute to our understanding of the role of food in our lives. The series is sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences and IU Cinema. All Themester screenings are free, but ticketed.
22 Monday / September 22, 2014
Bloomington Songwriter Showcase – presents an all ‘local’ writers night – Mark LaPointe, Lewis Ricci, Cat Gutjahr, dwBrykalski
Independantly produced - hosted by the Players Pub - 424 S. Walnut
It’s a rarity that we have all local Singer Songwriters these days, but TONIGT that is exactly what is happening! Lewis Ricci is actually visiting from Nashville IN – but we here in Bloomington consider that part of the family. dwBrykalski, Mark LaPointe and Cat Gutjahr will also be on stage this evening – so come on over to the Players Pub and enjoy what is sure to become your new favorite thing to do on Monday evenings! NO COVER CHARGE – ALL ages welcomed.