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14 Friday / October 14, 2016

Visual Mediations

05:00 pm to 05:30 pm
By Hand Gallery

Tom has always been fascinated by the rich and diverse character of our earth. His goal is to share his perception and visualization of this. Of course he cannot capture reality; rather, as with any artist, he seeks to reveal his perception and understanding of the environment in a way that will stimulate the imagination and emotions of the viewer. The beauty of morning and especially evening light and the resulting shadows are an important component in representing that perception.

Of course, people and their artifacts are an important part of our environment. Indeed, while continuing with his nature photography, his two current projects focus on the interaction between man and environment.

“Nurturing the Heartland” was an 18 month project in which Tom photographed two farmers who were committed to sustainable pasture farming. His goal was to tell, in photographs as well as words, the story of life on a small family farm where the goal was to improve the health of the land as well as the people who eat their food.

The second project, which is ongoing, is “Harvesting Limestone.” It focuses on the workers in the limestone quarries that are part of Indiana Limestone Company.

In this show, Tom focuses on nature photography but include samples from these two projects.

Cost: free

For more information contact:

Tova Lesko
(812) 334-3255
[email protected]


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