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17 Tuesday / July 17, 2018

Edward Auer Summer Piano Workshop – Concerto Competition (1 p.m. – 6 p.m.)

01:00 pm
Ford-Crawford Hall

Edward Auer Summer Piano Workshop – Concerto Competition (1 p.m. – 6 p.m.)
Summer Music 2018

Entertainment / Festivals / Live Music

17 Tuesday / July 17, 2018

Summer String Academy

02:00 pm
Recital Hall

Summer String Academy
Chamber Music Concert I

Entertainment / Festivals / Live Music

17 Tuesday / July 17, 2018

AN HIV/AIDS Art/Ed Series

05:30 pm to 07:00 pm
The Venue

On Tuesday, July 17th, beginning at 5:30 p.m. The Venue will host the first in a four part series on HIV/AIDS Art/Education.
The current public image of AIDS is that it was a horrible disease that emerged in the late 1960’s, became a horrific epidemic that ravaged and killed thousands, mostly gays, Africans and people in the Caribbean, and has been eradicated, because Magic Johnson is still alive.
The mission of this series is to create a more informed, shared understanding, by colliding and connecting community members through HIV/AIDS conversation, education, and creation; to remember, to uplift, and to challenge existing expectations and assumptions.
This HIV/AIDS Art/Ed Series will frame the past and present HIV/AIDS narrative through art and conversation. The series will introduce controversial topics surrounding HIV/AIDS since the virus surfaced in the Midwest in 1968. Moving from the early 70s, the series will take us to present day, highlighting stories, movements, setbacks, struggles, and breakthroughs utilizing community-led conversation and creative workshops.

Who are we? Community members: AB, Jesse Elkins, Brandon Heinbaugh, Iliana, Nathen Steininger, in partnership with The Venue Fine Art & Gifts

Event Details
Part 1: Trash to Treasure: “Four-H Club” Hemophiliacs, Homosexuals, Heroin users, Haitians
Before science revealed the means of HIV transmission, a higher prevalence of AIDS in the “Four H’s” led to societal rejection. Once imprisoned and neglected through immoral healthcare and social fallacy, the “Four-H” exclusion bred a deep-rooted stigma that, however differently, still lives today. From Trash to Treasure explores that stigma, then and now with panel members who experienced the height of panic and marginalization in the 70s and 80s.

While conversing, debating, and learning, we will create art that symbolizes growth, support, protection, care, kindness, and love. We will transform trash into treasure by wrapping recyclable goods, wrappers, bottles, cardboard, etc. in vibrant yarn to shape friendly creatures.
BYOT (bring your own trash)! Yarn, scissors, and extra trash will be provided. Make creatures you can show your friends, give as gifts, or keep as conversation pieces. We will have note cards to write stories that go along with your creatures. What you don’t take with you we will add to our ongoing collection of collective HIV/AIDS art, to display around the community.

Join us!


17 Tuesday / July 17, 2018

Blues Jam hosted by the Movin’ Hips

08:00 pm to 11:00 pm
424 S Walnut

Bloomington’s Blues Jam. Host bands plays a set, then the jamming begins. Bring your instruments. Newcomers welcome, be prepared to get some tips.
Food and Drink specials each week.

Dance / Eat and Drink / Entertainment / Live Music

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