Bloom is honored to have received recognition from various organizations for our editorial work and for our efforts to support the local community in the arts, culture, and business. Below is a list of some of the honors awarded by various community organizations, followed by the many awards for editorial excellence presented by the Indiana chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists.
Community Awards
- 2024 Outstanding Craftsmanship Award — The Stone Age Institute and Indiana University’s CRAFT Research Center Award
- 2015 Downtown Revitalization Award: Catch the Spirit — Downtown Bloomington, Inc. Award
- 2015 Arts in Business Award — Community Arts Award, Ivy Tech Community College-Bloomington
- 2010 Media Advocate — Downtown Bloomington, Inc. Award
- 2009 Community Enhancement — Bloomington Chamber of Commerce Award
- 2008 Community Service — Fuse Business Award
- 2008 Entrepreneurial Growth — Fuse Business Award
- 2008 Retail Promotion — Downtown Bloomington, Inc. Award
- 2007 Community Enhancement — Bloomington Chamber of Commerce Award.
- 2007 Downtown Revitalization — Downtown Bloomington, Inc. Award

Editorial Awards
- Features Photography, First Place, “The Big Picture: Future Firefighter?” Jeremy Hogan
- Best News Photography, First Place, “The Big Picture: Destruction” Jeremy Hogan
- Coverage of Race and Diversity Issues, First Place, “Telling it the Way it Was” Carmen Siering
- Features Photography, Second Place, “The Big Picture: First Day of School” Jeremy Hogan
- Business or Consumer Affairs Reporting, Second Place, “Cook Group Helping to Revitalize Depressed Indianapolis Community” Barb Berggoetz
- Coverage of Race or Diversity Issues, Third Place, “Bartender Cale Ulery at The Back Door: Creating a Safe and Welcoming Place” Brittany Marshall
- Personality Profile, Third Place, “Gene Hurley: Law and Order Man” Janet Mandelstam
- Coverage of Social Justice Issues, Third Place, “All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center Offers Diapers, Adoption, Abortion & More” Linda Margison
- Personality Profile, First Place, “All About Joe Lee” Peter Dorfman
- News Photography, First Place, “Captured!” Jeremy Hogan
- Magazine Cover Design, First Place, Stephanie Reeves and Joe Lee
- Graphics and Illustrations, First Place, “Joe Lee’s Triple Self-Portrait” Joe Lee
- Business or Consumer Affairs Reporting, Second Place, “A Tale of Two Afghan Brothers and Their B-town Restaurants” Peter Dorfman
- Coverage of Race and Diversity Issue, Second Place, “The Eaglesons: A Legendary Black Family” Carmen Siering
- Features Writing, Second Place, “75 Years Ago, Bloomington Was the Sex Capital of America” Carmen Siering
- Coverage of Social Justice Issues, Second Place, “What to Do if You or a Friend is About to Become Homeless” Susan M. Brackney
- News Photography, Second Place, “The Big Picture: ‘Work-In’” Jeremy Hogan
- Features Photography, Second Place, “Flipped Off” Jeremy Hogan
- Graphics and Illustrations, Second Place, “Can We Keep Him, Mom? Please??” Mike Cagle
- Design Other Than Cover, Third Place, “All About Joe Lee” Stephanie Reeves
- Coverage of Minority, Diversity and Inclusion Issues (publication circulation below 30,000), First Place, “Black Women of Bloomington: Recognizing Their Accomplishments & Contributions” Carmen Siering and Tracy Zollinger Turner
- Design Other Than Cover (all print media), First Place, “The IU Jacobs School of Music Making Beautiful Music for 100 Years” Stephanie Reeves
- Graphics and Illustrations (publication circulation below 30,000), “Bloomington: Dog-Friendliest Town in the Entire Universe” Mike Cagle
- Coverage of Minority, Diversity and Inclusion Issues (publication circulation below 30,000), “Bloomington’s Latino Community” Carmen Siering
- Features Photography (publication circulation below 30,000), Third Place, “A Fascination with Model Trains Is Alive and Well in Bloomington” Martin Boling
- Features Writing (Magazines and non-daily newspapers), First Place, “Heroes of the Pandemic” Bloom contributing writers
- Election and Campaign Coverage (Publication below 30,000), First Place, “VOTE: What’s At Stake for Bloomington and The Country” Bloom contributing writers
- Personality Profile (Magazines and non-daily newspapers), First Place, “One Life-Changing Moment for Wealth Manager John Hurlow” Janet Mandelstam
- Design Other Than Cover (All print publications), First Place, “The Illustrations of Mike Cagle” Stephanie Reeves and Mike Cagle
- Non-Fiction Book, Second Place, “The Killer Who Fell From the Sky” — Malcolm Abrams
- Magazine Cover Design (All magazines), Second Place Stephanie Reeves and Rodney Margison
- Features Photography (Publication circulation below 30,000), Second Place, Kendall Reeves
- News Photography (Publication circulation below 30,000), Second Place, Rodney Margison
- Education Reporting (Publication circulation below 30,000), Second Place, “For the Love of STEM”, Carmen Siering
- Medical or Science Reporting (Publication circulation below 30,000), Third Place, “How Emily Pike Saved Her Stepmother by Donating a Kidney to a Stranger” Carmen Siering
- Graphics and Illustrations (Publication circulation below 30,000), December 2020/January 2021 cover illustration, Joe Lee
- Magazine Cover Design (All Magazines or Periodicals), First Place, “Bloomington’s Black Leaders of Tomorrow”, “Under the Weather”, “The Way We Were” Emilee Stites, Stephanie Reeves, Rodney Margison
- Medical or Science Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), First Place, “Bloomington Firefighters Have New Technology to Save Lives” Susan Brackney
- Arts & Entertainment Writing (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “New Books from IU Press” Julie Gray
- Coverage of Minority Issues (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “Anti-Semitism On the Rise” Carmen Siering
- Design Other Than Cover (All Print Media), Second Place, “Bloomington’s Black Leaders of Tomorrow” Emilee Stites
- Environmental Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “Under the Weather” Susan M. Brackney
- Features Writing (Magazines and Non-Daily Newspapers), Second Place, “Bloomington’s Veterans: Their Struggles and Triumphs” Craig Coley
- Medical or Science Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place
“IU Researchers Develop Botslayer, A Tool That Roots Out Fake News” Peter Dorfman - Multiple Picture Group (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place
“Local Veteran Gifted New Roof” Rodney Margison - Business or Consumer Affairs Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Kelley School Grads Develop Allergy-Friendly Snack Bar” Carmen Siering
- Coverage of Minority Issues (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Historian Liz Mitchell ‘Returns’ to Africa to Honor Her Ancestors” Craig Coley
- Editorial Writing (All Publications and Digital Media), Third Place, “What’s Not to Like?” Malcolm Abrams
- Features Photography (All Publications),Third Place, “Brooke Bierhaus: A Young Woman Pursuing a Dream, One Cup of Coffee (or Tea) at a Time” Brooke Bierhaus, Mulugeta Workye, Mbarek Ouhasa
- Coverage of Minority Issues (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “Remembering the Hole” Douglas Wissing
- Coverage of Minority Issues (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), “The Trials LGBTQ+ Groups Face at Monroe County Fair” Craig Coley
- Coverage of Children’s Issues (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Krimson Leadership Academy Teaching it’s Cool to Be Smart” Craig Coley
- Environmental Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “The Fight to Save Our Forests & Wildlife” Susan M. Brackney
- Art and Entertainment Writing (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “Cardinal Stage Act II” Molly Brush
- Features Photography (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), First Place, “The Fight to Save Our Forests & Wildlife” Jeff Danielson
- Features Photography (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “Bloomington: A Pet-Friendly Place” Naama Levy
- Features Photography (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “25 Couples Who Contribute to Our Community” Jeff Richardson
- News Photography (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “National Gun Violence Awareness Day Rally at Courthouse” Rodney Margison
- Design Other Than Cover (All Print Media), Second Place, “Saturday Mornings at the Farmers’ Market” Emilee Stites
- Design Other Than Cover (All Print Media), Third Place, “A Magical Fish and the City it Spawned” Emilee Stites
- Editorial Writing (All Publications and Digital Media), “That Controversial Picture” — Malcolm Abrams
- Graphics and Illustrations (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), First Place, “Remembering the Hole” Wayne Manns
- Graphics and Illustrations (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “The Dog House” Mike Cagle
- Multiple Picture Group, Second Place, “Saturday Mornings at the Farmers’ Market” Stephen Sproull
- Coverage of Minority Issues (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), First Place, “To Be Muslim in Bloomington” Carmen Siering
- Medical or Science Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), First Place, “Voices for Recovery” Carmen Siering
- Features Writing (Magazines and Non-Daily Newspapers), First Place, “The Story of Melanie and Stormy” Carmen Siering
- Sports Photography, First Place, “Hoosiers Ice Penguins, 79-51” Rodney Margison
- Magazine Cover Design (All Magazines or Periodicals), First Place, Emilee Stites, Rodney Margison, Kendall Reeves
- Investigative Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “The Plight of Asylum-Seekers” Peter Dorfman
- Coverage of Children’s Issues (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “New Hope for Families” Craig Coley
- Arts and Entertainment Writing (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place
“New Books from IU Press” Julie Gray - Design Other than Cover (All Print Media), Second Place, “Spencer Reimagined” Emilee Stites
- Graphics and Illustrations (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “The Plight of Asylum-Seekers” Joe Lee
- Business or Consumer Affairs Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Spencer Reimagined” Molly Brush
- Medical or Science Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “‘How Do You Have Fun with Cancer’ and Create a New Paradigm for Chemo?” Rodney Margison
- Column Writing (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Tapped into Bloomington” Greg Siering
- Features Photography (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “To Be Muslim in Bloomington” Jeff Richardson, Stephen Sproull
- Business or Consumer Affairs Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “The Story of Lennie & Jeff: How a Young Couple Fell Out of Love and Built a Food and Beer Mini-Empire” Carmen Siering
- Education Coverage (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “Serve IT” Carmen Siering
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Second Place, “Memorable Images of Places Close to Home” Stephen Sproull
- Education Coverage (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Beekeeping Gaining Popularity as Bee Colonies Continue to Die” Barb Berggoetz
- Coverage of Minority Issues (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Black History in Indiana: A Different Perspective” Douglas Wissing
- Medical or Science Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “IU Researchers & Local High Schools Working Together on Revolutionary Concussion Device” Carmen Siering
- Column Writing (Magazines and Non-Daily Newspapers), Third Place, “Bloom Magazine Editor’s Message” Malcolm Abrams
- Features Photography (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Getting to Know Your Local Cop Over a Cup of Coffee (or Juice)” Jenn Hamm
- Features Photography (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Mazel Tov: A Traditional Wedding in a Rustic Setting” Tall and Small Photography
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication Circulation Below 30,000), Third Place, “Relish: Women’s Clothing That Transcends Trendiness” Nikita Shokhov
- Education Reporting (Publication Circulation Below 40,000), First Place, “Risking Their Lives For Justice,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication Circulation Below 40,000), First Place, “Iraq War Veteran Mike Ogden,” Tyagan Miller
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication Circulation Below 40,000), Second Place, “How The Homeless See Bloomington,” The Bloomington Homeless Community
- Coverage Of Government Or Politics (Publication Circulation Below 40,000), Second Place, “’The American Spectator’ Born And Bred In Bloomington,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Coverage Of Minority Issues (Publication Circulation Below 40,000), Second Place, “George Taliaferro Makes Old Pal’s Wish Come True,” Mike Leonard
- Features Writing (Magazines And Non-Daily Newspapers), Second Place, “How The Homeless See Bloomington,” Carmen Siering
- Arts And Entertainment Writing (Magazines And Non-Daily Newspapers), Second Place, “An Artist’s Images On The B-Line Trail,” Carmen Siering & Roger Pfingston
- Magazine Design Other Than Cover, Second Place, “College Sports In Crisis,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Non-Deadline Story Or Series (Magazines And Non-Daily Newspapers), Third Place, “Eva Kor Of Terre Haute — A Holocaust Survivor Who Believes In Forgiveness,” Nancy Hiller
- Column Writing (Magazines And Non-Daily Newspapers), Third Place, “Mind, Body, Spirit,” Carmen Siering
- Features Photography (Publication Circulation Below 40,000), Third Place, “Lenny & Lou: Still Making Beautiful Music Together,” Shannon Zahnle
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication Circulation Below 40,000), Third Place, “Indiana University In Autumn,” Peter Hamlin
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), First Place, “Images of Bloomington by Shannon Zahnle,” Shannon Zahnle
- Magazine Cover Design (All magazines and periodicals), First Place, April/May, October/November, and December/January, Kaye Lee Johnston and Shannon Zahnle
- Editorial Writing (All publications and digital media), First Place, “Consequences,” Malcolm Abrams
- Coverage of Minority Issues (Publication circulation below 40,000), Second Place, “A Towering Presence and Man of God,” Jeremy Shere
- Non-Deadline Story or Series (Magazines and non-daily newspapers), Second Place, “Gay Bloomington: Then & Now,” Mike Leonard
- Personality Profile (Magazines and non-daily newspapers), Second Place, “Making It in L.A. IU’s Brice Fox Chases His Dream,” Danielle Paquette
- Arts and Entertainment Writing (Magazines and non-daily newspapers), Second Place, “How True was ‘Breaking Away’?” Mike Leonard
- Features Photography (Publication circulation below 40,000), Second Place, “Fire at Lake Monroe: Images of Bloomington,” Shannon Zahnle
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), Second Place, “Lake Monroe in Winter,” Peter Hamlin
- Design Other Than Cover (All magazines and periodicals), Second Place, “Oh, the Delights You’ll Find at the Lilly Library,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Criminal Justice Reporting (Publication circulation below 40,000), Third Place, “Human Trafficking: Not Just a Problem in Other Places,” Carmen Siering
- Education Reporting (Publication circulation below 40,000), Third Place, “The Remarkable Rise of Chancellor Jennie Vaughan and the Evolution of Ivy Tech,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), Third Place, “Comedy in Bloomington,” Shannon Zahnle
- Coverage of Minority Issues (Publication circulation below 40,000), First Place, Growing Up Black in Bloomington,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), First Place, “Raymer’s Bloomington,” Steve Raymer
- Design Other Than Cover (All magazines and periodicals), First Place, “100+ Best Things to See and Do in Bloomington,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Arts and Entertainment Writing (Magazine and non-daily newspapers), Second Place, “Sunday Morning with Mellencamp,” Mike Leonard
- Medical or Science Reporting (Publication circulation below 40,0000), Second Place, “At the Outer Limits,” Janet Mandelstam
- Column Writing (Magazine and non-daily newspapers), Second Place, “My Place or Yours,” Christine Barbour
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), Second Place, “Autumn in Monroe County,” J. Bruce Baumann
- Magazine Cover Design (All magazines and periodicals), Second Place, October/November 2013, Kaye Lee Johnston and Shannon Zahnle
- Design Other Than Cover (All magazines and periodicals), Second Place, “Growing Up Black in Bloomington,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Best Journalism Website, Second Place,, Lynae Sowinski and Kaye Lee Johnston
- Arts and Entertainment Writing (Magazine and non-daily newspapers), Third Place, “Catching Up with Kenny Aronoff,” Mike Leonard
- Non-Deadline Story or Series (Magazine and non-daily newspapers), Third Place, “The Legacy of Schindler’s List,” Lee Ann Sandweiss
- Environmental Reporting (Publication circulation below 40,000), Third Place, “Saving ‘Big Cats,” Adam Kent-Isaac
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), Third Place, “Growing Up Black in Bloomington,” Shannon Zahnle
- Editorial Writing (All publications), Honorable Mention, “The Fast-Food Rip-Off,” Malcolm Abrams
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), Honorable Mention, “Saving ‘Big Cats,” Steve Raymer
- Best Journalism Website, First Place, Lynae Sowinski and Kaye Lee Johnston
- Arts and Entertainment Writing (Magazine and non-daily newspapers), First Place, “The Lotus Festival,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Business or Consumer Affairs Reporting (Publication circulation below 40,000), First Place, “The Young Turks of Technology,” Jeremy Shere
- Coverage of Minority Issues, (All publications), First Place, “A Sentimental Journey,” Lee Ann Sandweiss
- Column Writing (Magazines and non-daily newspapers), First Place, “My Plate or Yours,” Christine Barbour
- Features Photography (Publication circulation below 40,000), First Place, “Make Way Bloomington, Here Come the Brains!” Steve Raymer
- Arts and Entertainment Writing (Magazines and non-daily newspapers), Second Place, “IU Jacobs School of Music: The Next Generation,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), Second Place, “IU Jacobs School of Music: The Next Generation,” Shannon Zahnle
- Design Other Than Cover (All magazines and periodicals), Second Place, “36 Spots Where the Burgers Are Tops,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Features Photography (Publication circulation below 40,000), Third Place, “Laser Surgery,” Shannon Zahnle
- Multiple Picture Group (Publication circulation below 40,000), Third Place, “Autumn in Monroe County,” J. Bruce Baumann
- Design Other Than Cover (All magazines and periodicals), Third Place, “A Farm Where the Water Buffalo Roam,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Design Other Than Cover, First Place, “It’s a Wonderful Town,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Design Other Than Cover, First Place, “It’s a Wonderful Town,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Design Other Than Cover, Third Place, “Growing Your Own,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Design Other Than Cover, Honorable Mention, “The Girls of Meadowood,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Coverage of Government or Politics, First Place, “The Duanys’ Amazing Journey,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Editorial (All publications), First Place, Malcolm Abrams
- Headline Writing: Features (Magazine), Third Place, Malcolm Abrams
- Sports Reporting (Magazine), Third Place, “Little 500: Then & Now,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Arts/Entertainment Feature (Magazine), Third Place, “The Life & Legacy of T.C. Steele,” Nancy Hiller
- Lifestyle Feature (Magazine), Third Place, “The Girls of Meadowood,” Lee Ann Sandweiss
- Lifestyle Feature (Magazine), Honorable Mention, “Homes: Where the Livin’ Is Easy,” Lee Ann Sandweiss
- Personality Profile (Magazine), Second Place, “Lee Hamilton,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Personality Profile (Magazine), Honorable Mention, “Ger’s Journey,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Coverage of the Environment (All publications), First Place, “To Make Bloomington More Sustainable,” Jeremy Shere
- Feature Photograph (All publications), First Place, “A Hoosierific Wedding,” Deckard Photography
- Best Sports Reporting (Magazine), First Place, “Reflections of a Sports Writer,” Chris Korman
- Coverage of Children’s Issues, Second Place, “A Life-Changing Journey,” Debra Kent
- Medical/Science Reporting, Second Place, “IU School of Medicine Giving Hope and Saving Lives in Kenya,” Sylvia McNair and Elisabeth Andrews
- Best Cover Design, Second Place, “Bernstein in Bloomington,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Best Feature Photograph, Third Place, “One Fine Day in Bloomington: Bloomington Kiss,” Ivona Hedin
- Best Design Other Than Cover, Third Place, “Made in B-town,” Kaye Lee Johnston
- Feature (Magazine), Honorable Mention, “Bernstein in Bloomington,” Debra Kent
- Business Reporting, Honorable Mention, “Made in B-town,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Coverage of the Environment, Honorable Mention, “A Green Love Affair,” Nancy Hiller
- Best Multiple Picture Group, Honorable Mention, “One Fine Day in Bloomington,” Bloom Magazine Readers
- Best Arts/Entertainment Feature (Magazine), First Place, “Bloomington Grande Dames,” Debra Kent
- Best Feature Photograph, First Place, “Denis Sinor,” Steve Raymer
- Best Education Coverage, First Place, “Harmony, a School Like No Other,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Best Multiple Picture Group, First Place, “A Hoosier 4th of July,” Daniel Orr
- Best Sports Reporting (Magazine), First Place, “Roller Derby,” Ron Eid
- Best Editorial (All publications), First Place, “Van Wanted,” Malcolm Abrams
- Feature (Magazine), Second Place, “The Killer Who Fell from the Sky,” Pamela Keech
- Medical/Science Reporting, Second Place, “The Origins of Everything,” Jeremy Shere
- Best Multiple Picture Group, Second Place, “The IU Campus in Spring,” Daniel Orr
- Lifestyle Feature (Magazine), Second Place, “Art Lives Here,” Lee Ann Sandweiss
- Arts/Entertainment Feature, Second Place, “1,000 Nights of Jazz,” David Brent Johnson
- Best Design (Magazine), Second Place, “The Killer Who Fell from the Sky,” Carla Miller
- Best Headline Writing: Features (Magazine), Second Place, “A Woman and Her Morels,” Malcolm Abrams
- Best Headline Writing: Features (Magazine), Second Place, “A Woman and Her Morels,” Malcolm Abrams
- Medical/Science Reporting, Second Place, “The Origins of Everything,” Jeremy Shere
- Best Multiple Picture Group, Second Place, “The IU Campus in Spring,” Daniel Orr
- Lifestyle Feature (Magazine), Second Place, “Art Lives Here,” Lee Ann Sandweiss
- Arts/Entertainment Feature, Second Place, “1,000 Nights of Jazz,” David Brent Johnson
- Best Design (Magazine), Second Place, “The Killer Who Fell from the Sky,” Carla Miller
- Best Headline Writing: Features (Magazine), Second Place, “A Woman and Her Morels,” Malcolm Abrams
- Best Sports Reporting (Magazine), Second Place, “Good Guys to Have Around,” Ron Eid
- Personality Profile (Magazine), Honorable Mention, “Denis Sinor: Scholar with a Dash of Derring-Do,” Janet Mandelstam
- Best Non-Deadline Reporting, First Place, “Jill Bolte Taylor: Bloomington’s Gift to the World,” Elisabeth Andrews
- Best Layout/Design Cover, First Place “One Fine Day in Bloomington,” Page designed by Carla Miller, cover photo by Domingo “Ding” Prud’homme
- Best Lifestyle (Magazine), Second Place, “The Cozy Homes of Prospect Hill,” Nancy Hiller
- Coverage of Children’s Issues, Second Place, “From the Heart of Indiana to the Heart of Africa,” Janet Mandelstam
- Best Lifestyle Feature (Magazines), Third Place, “Old Cars and the People Who Love Them,” Elisabeth Andrews